Divorced and Civilly Remarried Catholics

SKU: 4456D


Father Brian Harrison demolishes the arguments of those who are proposing to admit to Holy Communion Catholics who are divorced and civilly remarried. He states:
“Some disciplinary measures are inseparably linked to divine law – revealed truth – and thus cannot change. And one of these is that those in mortal sin may not approach the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Saint Paul’s words in Sacred Scripture are very clear: ‘Whoever eats the bread and drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord.’”
Divorced and Civilly Remarried Catholics: Diminished Imputability? brilliantly answers many questions and addresses the many aspects of this situation and the “hard cases” put forth by the “Kasperites.” It is clear, logical, accessible, even for those who do not have theological background in this matter, and uses a concrete example to completely discredit the propositions of Cardinal Kasper.
Read the article http://latinmassmagazine.com/articles/articles_harrison_diminished-imputability.html

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