The 2005 Monterey Conference features talks by Father James McLucas, Dr. Ronald McArthur and Christopher Ferrara, Esq. addressing topics related to the ongoing crisis in the Church and the culture.
Scriptural Prognosis and Prescription in a Time of Ruin
There is a striking parallel between the present condition of the Church and the condition of Judah before its fall. Father James McLucas gives us a disconcerting message about the future, but also, reasons to hope.
Catholic Higher Education: Can the Past be Prologue
Dr. Ronald McArthur, President Emeritus of Thomas Aquinas College followed with an examination of Catholic higher education. He stressed that “Catholic education has always been, and remains, Faith seeking understanding and that it cannot take place unless there is a strong and serious Faith, accepting the truth that has come to us through the teaching Church, which is eager to penetrate that truth using the Arts and Sciences discovered by reason.”
The Resuscitation of Authentic Catholic Action Among the Laity
In this closing talk Christopher Ferrara discusses the resuscitation of authentic Catholic action among the laity and reminded listeners that
“the American and French revolutionaries gave birth to the god of
liberty and set him upon his throne. That god has failed us, as the
nations of the West descend toward utter barbarity. It is time to topple
this false god and restore the reign of the true God, Christ the King,
over all nations.”
These talks were given at the 2005 Monterey, California conference sponsored by Keep the Faith and The Latin Mass magazine.