74 result(s) for "Michael Davies"

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3. The Rising in Cornwall: It's the Mass That Matters - Feed My Sheep

3. The Rising in Cornwall: It's the Mass That Matters - Feed My Sheep

Mr. Michael Davies describes the men of Cornwall who died for the Holy Eucharist and the Mass.
An Experiment That Failed: The New Mass

An Experiment That Failed: The New Mass

Mr. Michael Davies discusses an experiment that failed, the New Mass.
Church of Eugenio Pacelli - Album Two

Church of Eugenio Pacelli - Album Two

This thirteen-part album includes a series of talks by Michael Davies on Anglican Orders, John Henry Newman; Monsignor Ignacio Barriero on the Spanish Civil War; and talks by Dr. David White, Alice von Hildebrand and Father Richard Munkelt.
Church of Eugenio Pacelli - Part 23 - The Problem of Anglican Orders

Church of Eugenio Pacelli - Part 23 - The Problem of Anglican Orders

Mr. Michael Davies discusses the problem of Anglican Orders.
Church of Eugenio Pacelli - Part 24 - Lead Kindly Light - The Life of John Henry Newman

Church of Eugenio Pacelli - Part 24 - Lead Kindly Light - The Life of John Henry Newman

Mr. Michael Davies examines the life of the English convert John Henry Newman in the lecture called, "Lead Kindly Light."
Church of Eugenio Pacelli - Part 25 - Partisans of Error - The Heresy of Modernism

Church of Eugenio Pacelli - Part 25 - Partisans of Error - The Heresy of Modernism

Mr. Michael Davies discusses the heresy of Modernism and the partisans of error.
Comments on Vatican II Council

Comments on Vatican II Council

Mr. Michael Davies offers comments on Vatican II.
Daily Life In The Middle Ages

Daily Life In The Middle Ages

In this lecture Mr. Michael Davies explores daily life in Europe, most especially England, in the Middle Ages. He analyzes the relation between peasants and the Catholic Church.
Evolution of the Rites of the Mass - Album

Evolution of the Rites of the Mass - Album

In the 6 part series, "Evolution of the Rites of the Mass," Mr. Michael Davies discusses the life and work of Fr. Adrian Fortescue.
Evolution of the Rites of the Mass - Part 01 - The Life and Work of Fr. Adrian Fortescue

Evolution of the Rites of the Mass - Part 01 - The Life and Work of Fr. Adrian Fortescue

In the first of the six part series, "Evolution of the Rites of the Mass," Mr. Michael Davies discusses the life and work of Fr. Adrian Fortescue.
Evolution of the Rites of the Mass - Part 02 - The Mass in the First Three Centuries

Evolution of the Rites of the Mass - Part 02 - The Mass in the First Three Centuries

In the second of the six part series, "Evolution of the Rites of the Mass," Mr. Michael Davies discusses the Mass in the first three centuries.
Evolution of the Rites of the Mass - Part 03 - The Parent Rites - The Antiochian Rite

Evolution of the Rites of the Mass - Part 03 - The Parent Rites - The Antiochian Rite

In the third of the six part series, "Evolution of the Rites of the Mass," Mr. Michael Davies discusses the history of the Parent Rites, specifically the Antiochian Rite of the Mass.
Evolution of the Rites of the Mass - Part 04 - The Parent Rites - The Alexandrian and Gallican Rites

Evolution of the Rites of the Mass - Part 04 - The Parent Rites - The Alexandrian and Gallican Rites

In the fourth of the six part series, "Evolution of the Rites of the Mass," Mr. Michael Davies discusses the Alexandrian and Gallican rites.
Evolution of the Rites of the Mass - Part 05 - The Parent Rites - The Roman Rite

Evolution of the Rites of the Mass - Part 05 - The Parent Rites - The Roman Rite

In the fifth of the six part series, "Evolution of the Rites of the Mass," Mr. Michael Davies discusses the history of the Parent Rites, specifically the Roman Rite of the Mass.
Evolution of the Rites of the Mass - Part 06 - The Reform of St. Pius V Until Today

Evolution of the Rites of the Mass - Part 06 - The Reform of St. Pius V Until Today

In the sixth of the six part series, "Evolution of the Rites of the Mass," Mr. Michael Davies discusses the reform of St. Pius V until today.
Evolution: What is the Church's Position?

Evolution: What is the Church's Position?

Mr. Michael Davies and Mr. Christopher A. Ferrara discuss the Church's position on evolution.
False Ecumenism

False Ecumenism

Mr. Michael Davies speaks on false ecumenism.
Heresies and The Early Church

Heresies and The Early Church

Mr. Michael Davies discusses in detail the heresies in the Church's early years, revealing many less well known details and motivations that led to the formation of the Church as she exists today.
How the Latin Rite Began

How the Latin Rite Began

Mr. MIchael Davies explains how the Latin Rite began.
Indefectibility of the Church

Indefectibility of the Church

Mr. Michael outlines the indefectibility of the Church.
In The Line of Duty:  A Panel Discussion on the Church

In The Line of Duty: A Panel Discussion on the Church

Father John Perricone and Mr. Christopher Ferrara host four guests for a discussion on the state of the Liturgy.
Original Sin and The Immaculate Conception

Original Sin and The Immaculate Conception

Mr. Michael Davies discusses the doctrines of Original Sin and the Immaculate Conception.
Orthodoxy, Heresy and Reform - Album

Orthodoxy, Heresy and Reform - Album

In this three-part series, "Orthodoxy, Heresy and Reform," Mr. Michael Davies discusses the Catholic Doctrine on the Holy Eucharist; John Wycliff and the Lollards - The First Protestants; and finally Girolamo Savonarola.
Orthodoxy, Heresy and Reform - Part 1 - Catholic Doctrine on the Holy Eucharist

Orthodoxy, Heresy and Reform - Part 1 - Catholic Doctrine on the Holy Eucharist

In this first of a three-part series, "Orthodoxy, Heresy and Reform," Mr. Michael Davies discusses the Catholic Doctrine on the Holy Eucharist.
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