2014 - Defending Life from the Catacombs: Strategies for the New Age of Persecution - Album - Monterey Conference

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Defending Life from the Catacombs: Strategies for the New Age of Persecution
Father Kenneth Baker, S.J., Dr. Ronald Connolly, Dr. Christopher Manion, Christopher Ferrara, Esquire are featured speakers in this 2014 Monterey Conference album

Why Conservatives Have Nothing to Say in the Culture War and What to Do About It
Christopher Ferrara
America's judicial conservatives continue to appeal to the will of the majority while the judicial liberals continue to moralize about justice. If this goes on much longer, Christians will suffer a final defeat in the culture war. To prevent this, the conservatives must find the courage to confront questions of justice rather than run away from them. How ought this to be done?

The Beautiful Bride of Christ, Our Church, 2014: One Perspective
Dr. Ronald Connolly
Pope Benedict said there is "filth_in the Church," and he also said "_the sufferings of the Church come precisely from_ sin existing within the Church." There is the filth of scandalous bishops and priests who are homosexuals, and have made it their ministry to promote their lifestyle, yet they remain in good standing within the Church. There is the filth of the hierarchy's complicity in this habitual scandal_for only they have the God-given authority, duty, and privilege of excommunicating those who obstinately preach in opposition to Jesus Christ and to his Church; 1.2 billion Catholic laity cannot cleanse the Church of an iota of filth. Complicity in scandal prevents millions upon millions of little ones from identifying the true Church founded and headed by Jesus Christ. If today's Church cannot even identify itself_cannot even catechize its own_then how does it hope to succeed with tomorrow's New Evangelization?

The Peace and Joy of Being Catholic in Good Times and in Bad
Father Kenneth Baker, S.J.
The greatest gift we have in this life is to be a member of the Catholic Church, which is the Mystical Body of Christ. If we remain faithful, avoid all mortal sin in thought, word, and deed, and live a life of love of God and neighbor, we have certainty about our eternal salvation and eternal happiness which we all basically desire deep down. This certainty, in good times and in bad, gives us peace of mind and a joyful heart, because we know who we are and where we are going. I have seen this peace and joy on the faces of many devout priests, nuns, and lay people.

Humanae Vitae in the Age of the Laity
Dr Christopher Manion
Dissidents have spawned widespread confusion by turning Catholic teaching upside down. For fifty years and more the bishops' conference has advocated a liberal political agenda as though it were binding on all the faithful. Meanwhile, many bishops admit that they have simply failed to preach the Church's magisterial teaching of Humanae Vitae.
Referring to contemporary examples, this presentation highlights the rights of the laity to take the lead in temporal affairs, and urges the bishops to return to the exercise of their proper authority _ _ to teach all the truths of the faith, even the hard parts, and to follow Canon Law with regard to purveyors of flagrant and public scandal.

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