2009 - Fighting the Dictatorship of Relativism - Album - Monterey Conference

SKU: 4441D-00-AL


Fighting the Dictatorship of Relativism
Father Calvin Goodwin, FSSP, Dr. Ronald McArthur, Christopher Ferrara, Esquire are featured speakers on this album of three talks from the 2009 Monterey Conference.

The Battle for the Ancient Mass
Father Calvin Goodwin, FSSP says that we should not underestimate the reality that there is a battle on for truth in a world dominated by an increasingly secularist worldview. Father Calvin Goodwin, FSSP, shares how he came to the Traditional Mass and what the future bodes for the Ancient Mass.

Recovering Catholic First Principles: The Philosophical Aspects of the Battle.
Dr. Ronald McArthur comments on Pope Benedict XVI's important Regensberg lecture. We go the the first principles, starting with the Gospel of John. Faith and reason has been severed by many forces and civilization as such no longer exists.

Commutative and Distributive Justice in the Battle
Christopher Ferrara, Esq. discusses justice in economic social order in today's situation in light of the timeless Church teachings regarding man's place in the economy. A scathing critique of Lockean and Austrian economic systems - the economics of political modernity. He devastates the Austrian school of economics defense of Scrooge, and compares it with the "Catholic" Scrooge after his conversion.

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