How to Make America REALLY Great Again
Father James Buckley, FSSP, Fr. Joseph Illo, Christopher Ferrara, and Steve O'Brien take on some vitally important topics that address the current crisises in the Church and the state in this Latin Mass Monterey Conference 2017 Album
The Catholic Moment
Father Joseph Illo
In this lecture Father Illo looks at the providential moment in history occasioned by the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States and the factors that led to this. What were Catholics voting for in Trump? At some level this election was about something beyond the economy; it was about faith in something beyond ourselves. Currently at stake are the obvious: human life, marriage, family, religious liberty; and the not so obvious: populist “strong gods” vs. the True God; and Populism vs. True Religion. Father spoke about the need for Right Worship.
Father Joseph Illo has been pastor of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Modesto, chaplain at Thomas Aquinas College, and is currently pastor of Star of the Sea parish in San Francisco. Father has a most informative and inspirational Internet blog appropriately titled Fr. Joseph Illo’s Blog ( Father posts his thoughts and observations “From the Pastor’s Laptop” as well as his homilies dating from 2011 to the present, with a sidebar of sermons on topics too numerous to list here.
Virtue, Law, and American Greatness
Father James Buckley, FSSP
In this superb talk, Father explains that virtues are developed through the repetition of good acts; he clarified the difference between virtuous acts performed by man and spiritual gifts which come from God. Father said that America can only be great to the extent that she is virtuous; and to be virtuous she must obey the Law of God.
Father Buckley was a longtime Spiritual Director for Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, a professor of apologetics, Catholic and English literature, homiletics, and pedagogy; Father has been an outstanding retreat master and an expert teacher of the Catholic Faith for over fifty years. Father was ordained in 1965, and in 1992 he joined the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter.
Not Going Our Way: Catholic Policy and the Inevitability of the Present State
Dr. Steve O’Brien
From the founding of the American republic, Catholic Church officials adopted a policy of assimilation with, and allegiance to, the non-Catholic majority and secularist state. With the exception of a very few bishops, this accommodationist policy has been carried down to this very day. But another word for assimilation is submission. After more than two centuries, how have Catholics fared in their relentless campaign for acceptance and, in this age of political realignment, might serious Catholics reconsider their position in the so-called ""city upon a hill?""
Steve O’Brien is a history professor and writes the popular Dr. O’s Blog, “Greetings From a Better Age!” (www.gfaba com). He also has a video series called “The Doctor and the Father” at Dr. O’s Channel on YouTube. He is a brilliant longtime writer for The Latin Mass magazine; he brings a historic perspective to our conference.
What Do Brexit, the Election of Donald Trump, and the Traditionalist Movement Have in Common?
Christopher A. Ferrara, Esquire
This enlightening lecture, What Brexit, the Election of Donald Trump, and the Traditionalist Movement Have in Common, was delivered by Christopher Ferrara in plain words as only he can deliver them. It should be heard by every Catholic in America.
Christopher Ferrara, Esq., is President and Chief Counsel for the American Catholic Lawyers Association. He is a prolific writer for many Catholic magazines and periodicals; he is active in the pro-life movement; his latest book is The Great Facade: The Regime of Novelty in the Catholic Church from Vatican II to the Francis Revolution (Second Edition).
Includes Q&As, Sunday Session and Sunday Homily by Father Illo. 7 titles in all.