2015 - The Crisis of Leadership in the Catholic Church - Album - Monterey Conference

SKU: 4440D-00-AL


The Crisis of Leadership in the Catholic Church
Father Kenneth Baker, S.J., Father Anthony J. Mastroeni, Christopher A. Ferrara, Esquire, and James Bemis are featured in this Monterey Conference 2015 album.

Strong Leadership at the Top: From Pius IX to Pius XII
Father Kenneth Baker, SJ
There is a lack of strong leadership in the Church at the present time. The crisis of leadership in the Catholic Church means the Church can't fulfill her two main purposes of existence as the True and Only Church of Jesus Christ: To promote the Glory and Worship of God and to provide for the eternal salvation of souls who have been created for heaven and the face-to-face vision of God for all eternity. This was not the case during the reigns of the six outstanding popes from Pius IX to Pius XII. Father Kenneth Baker, S.J., details the many ways that these heroic Pontiffs led the Church and left it strong, growing, rich in vocations, universally respected, and even feared.

Aggressive Secularization in the West and the Challenge of the "New-Evangelization" (Parts 1 and 2)
Father Anthony J Mastroeni
"Religion is the strongest element in man's self control. History is shown to be littered with the wreckage of nations that have become indifferent to God... Culture or civilization arises from religion and when the traditional religious beliefs of a nation are eroded, unless they are supplanted by an equal or greater religious force more powerful than the first, the nation eventually dies." Father issues a stirring call to arms: "The saints are not simply _nice' people._The saints were warriors. They bothered people." But he concludes: "We will win the battle because Truth is stronger than falsehood." Father Anthony J. Mastroeni has been involved in higher education for more than forty years. He has a Ph.D. in Moral Theology, a J.D. in Civil Law, and an M.A. in Counseling from Seton Hall University.

Vatican II-ism: How an Ideology Is Replacing the Catholic Faith
Christopher A Ferrara, Esquire
How can the situation we are living through today happen in the Church? The crisis has entered a new phase, something we have not seen before in the past fifty years. The problem is not with doctrinal propositions that require us to believe something we did not have to believe before 1962, but with an ideology, a visionary theorizing, a social-political attitude consisting of new attitudes and other practical applications that were unleashed in the Church through an opening at the Second Vatican Council _ _ a liberal-radical ideology of individualistic, rationalistic, and hedonistic forces that has caused untold damage within the Church and the world. Is the present Holy Father the fruit and agent of this para-concilliar ideology - wittingly or not? Christopher A. Ferrara, Esquire, is an author and President and Chief Counsel of the American Catholic Lawyers Association, Inc

Resolved: A Crisis of Leadership Exists in the Catholic Church Question: What Can the Laity Do About It?
James Bemis
Most Catholics today don't live like Catholics and don't think like Catholics _ they have been duped by progressive falsehoods. The way out is to put spiritual needs above physical needs, joy above pleasure, culture over convenience, and to be well-catechized Catholics who courageously critique the errors and emptiness of modern life. We must make the case that the Culture of Life and Truth creates a better, healthier society than the Culture of Death and Lies – no nation is ever converted by lukewarm faithful. James Bemis is an editorial board member and columnist for California Political Review and a columnist for Catholic Exchange's The Edge.

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